Thursday, March 5, 2020

5 Signs That It Is Time to Quit Your Job

5 Signs That It Is Time to Quit Your Job Image via: You’re not passionate anymore Going to work sucks. There’s no doubt about that. However, when you find yourself literally dreading the thought of going to work each day, that is not a life worth living. Sure, the benefits might be fantastic. Sure, the salary might be amazing. Sure, there might be a million chances for advancement right at your fingertips. Sure, you might think that only an idiot would give up this job, but you’re wrong. If you’re forcing yourself to go to a place you absolutely hate, you’re wasting precious time that you could be using to go and do something you love. The right job will have your head swimming deep in an ocean of excitement and possibility, knowing that you’re in the right place at the right time. At the wrong job, you’ll be drowning. Your health is at risk This cannot be stressed enough. Your health and wellbeing are more valuable and more crucial than any paycheck. Stress and negative vibes can have a greater toll on your physical and mental health than you may think. Stress can weaken your immune system, leaving you to develop consistent colds and illnesses. It can also upset your stomach and give you horrible headaches. You could eventually develop a mental illness, like depression, as a result of the neglect of your personal health. You will be spending 40 hours per week in an environment that’s killing you only to come home and suffer from these symptoms that are literally killing you. No raise or fancy title is worth that. At the same time, feeling so terrible will result in your taking time off from work and using up all of your sick days. Even though the freedom of a day off feels nice, it will become a burden when it comes time to ask your employer for a reference. Instead, take a permanent sick day: a resignation. Image via: You’re in a toxic environment The way your coworkers and employers treat you has a greater impact on you than you might think. If the coworkers are constantly negative and sprouting negativity upon you, you are going to eventually absorb it no matter how hard you try to resist. If your employer constantly manipulates you and makes you miserable, then that treatment will begin to resonate within you. You might have taken this up with Human Resources already and you might have already initiated the little pow-wow between these individuals, but if things haven’t changed, it isn’t your responsibility to settle for it. If this goes beyond toxic behavior and begins to look like verbal abuse, illegal actions, and/or sexual harassment, nothing more needs to be said. Get out. Now. You spend more time complaining about your job than anything Take a moment and think about recent conversations that you’ve shared with your friends and family members. More likely than not, your hatred for your job has probably slipped off of your tongue more than once or more than you’d like to admit. It’s understandable to complain about something that happened at work every once in a while. Let’s be honest here. We all have our days but look at it this way. The fact is that one of the first things that strikes your mind whenever you’re interacting with someone is how much you hate your job. That should tell you not only how much you hate your job, but how much you dwell on how much you hate your job. Being that we’re only given this one life to live, don’t spend most of it loathing. Do yourself a favor. Send out that notice and burn your suitcase (figuratively). Image via: You’re reading this article You didn’t search for this article on accident. You didn’t click on it by mistake. You sought it out on your own to find a way to justify leaving your position. Well, here it is. Here lies your justification right here. If you went as far as to debate about whether or not quitting your job is a good idea to the point that you’re seeking the opinions of other writers, like myself, then it is definitely time to send out that notice and get to searching for something that fulfills you. Good luck!

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